
Help for today & Hope for tomorrow

Her name was really Amanda, but I always called her Amy. My sweet Amy. Of 4 children, she the 2nd-born, with an older sister and 2 younger brothers, Amy was always the 1st one to stand up for me if anyone else wasjudging me. Amy had Down Syndrome but she was the only person in this whole family who actually "walked the stage" to graduate high school (and she was going to start college in January)! She was an amazing, intelligent, beautiful woman with the kind of love that never stopped no matter how many times she was put off. I am totally lost with her in my life. I still go into states of feeling that I'm not really I'm actually in a coma or something and it's all not really happening. I can't think, I can't work, I just don't know how to function anymore without her. I lived my life tohelp HER be okay, help her achieve her dreams, help her be healthy and happy. When will I ever feel the ability to WANT to live?

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im so sorry for Amy loss. i can imagine what your going through i had my share of pain when my loved ones died. Grief is different for everyone the feeling of wanting to live will come again just not sure when for me it took a year which honestly felt like millions of years in pain. i was able to cope because i searched for help it wasnt easy but it will come. one day you will wake up just wanting to live and enjoy life and thats your daughter talking saying that is enough Mom im okay and i need you to be okay. 

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