
Help for today & Hope for tomorrow

My heart hurts. Newly single mom of a 7mo old

I am at a loss right now... My son's father and I broke up about a week ago. I felt sad, yes, but also very relieved. Today I had a break down... I got wrapped back up into his lies and crumbled. I have no idea how to juggle being Co parents when I am still so angry and hurt about everything. I try so hard to be cordial. I guess I have my days, I would just love to talk to someone who understands where I've been and maybe has some advice on how to move on from a man who lies, is manipulative, and emotionally abusive, if you don't have any advice that's ok too. I would love to talk to someone. Thank you and God bless.

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Hi! its been a while since your post and i hope youre doing better. Im not an expert on relationships or men for that matter  but most certainly could lend an ear. I had a few bad relationships in the past I think that is why when Jeff passed away  I took it so hard even tho we were only dating a short time. I knew he was a good tender heart and now he was gone

The man in your life might tend to be emotional abusive because he feels that is the only way he could hold on to you. I remember being with an emotional abusive man he would tell me that no one else would want me and i was ugly and i believed it. It took a while to see that he was the ugly one and if he could tell me so many hurtful things there was no way he could love me. He just enjoyed belittling me and i let him. 

Try and turn a corner with this man and tell yourself you deserve better. 

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