
Help for today & Hope for tomorrow

My mother always told me how impatient I was. I guess I just thought I was another one of her concerns about me. But no she was right the whole time. Cause since she has died (11/24/2013) I have been wanting to wake up and have everything be normal again. But in reality it's never going to be again. I am always going to think about her and miss her. I feel Ike the more time goes on the harder it gets. Feels like everyone just thinks I should be over it already but all I do is not think about her and then
Something triggers and I crumble. I just need someone there to let me know it's hard but you will be ok.

Views: 27

Comment by Judy Davidson on June 19, 2014 at 11:21pm

Hi Mary,

Thank you for sharing your feelings.  Yes going through the grief process is probably one of the hardest things  in life.  I do know from firsthand experience that communication is key so you're making a positive step toward healing.  Reach out to others who will listen and through grief groups in your local area.  I hope you find the chat room and blogs here and the home page helpful too.  Be patient with yourself, it takes as long as it takes.  The more you can participate in your grief recovery, the better you'll felel.  In time, you'll begin experiencing a new normal ....



Comment by Lulu on June 20, 2014 at 12:12am

You will be okay! I seen an ex coworker today and she asked me how I was and i said the same and her eyes opened wide and said "you're still the same". People don't understand until they go through what we are going through so in a sense we have to be patient with them too and try to understand that they have no idea that what they are saying is hurtful. We cant rush grief we will  never be the same but we will find our new normal in life.


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