Hello. This is my very first time using this website and I was just trying to see if there was anyone online who felt like chatting. Thank you, Kim
Hello Kim, I think we all feel like chatting when we log in. looking for support or others who are feeling like we are. My name is gina and Ive been coming here for almost 4 years now. will be 4 years on the 26th of this month. I have lost my husband and my only child, my son. I have no other family now. but ... I do consider my friends in here my 2nd family. I hope you find some peace and comfort in here. take care and join us in the chat box sometime. a friend,,gina.:)
Hey Kim, this is also my first time on this website. Would love to chat.
good morning Kim. I hope you find some peace and comfort here. It doesnt seem as active as it was. Ive been coming here since I lost my husband and my son. I have found others here who really understand the depth of emotins and emptiness I feel,and they feel, so it is comforting just to find that kind of support and understanding.I dont feel quite as alone. I will keep you in my prayers.. a friend, gina:) anytime you want to chat just send me an email. take care...:))
Hi Mary, I too feel the same way about my son. It has been 4 years and I still feel guilty that I didnt know he needed me ,andhe passed away alone. I ,as a mother should of known or felt his pain, or will leaving this world. the 27th of this month is his birthday,and this week has been unbearable. I wish you Mary some peace and comfort. Know that your daughter is at peace and in a beautiful place .shes waiting just like my son is waiting. Right now Mary your emotins are all over the place,and the emptiness and numbness is all consuming. You just have to take little steps at a time Mary. Im here if you need someone to talk with, cry with, or vent with . It is all apart of this grieving .I call it my new normal, as I know it will never be the same. take care Mary. gina..
Hi Kim,
This is also my first time using this site. I just recently lost my dad and grieving as well.
Hello to all,
My first time here. I just lost my mom march 8 2020. Grieving...
would love to chat...lost my hubby...i live on the west coast.
take good care,
Hello everyone in this chat. I can say that work was the way out for me. I pulled out my business idea from a dusty shelf and immersed myself in it. I've even been involved in hiring additional staff myself, have a peek here. It is much easier when there is a virtual secretary next to you)) This creates the appearance that you are not alone (in addition to being useful for work)
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