
Help for today & Hope for tomorrow

My whole normal world was broken down last night. My wife of 8 years past away. She was only 28 and pregnant with my 32 week old baby. We lost him to.
She died in my arms. In front of our 3 year old and her mother
I tried to save her life. Even got her breathing a couple times when she stopped.
But by time the medics arrived she had already passed.
This was do to pulmonary embolism or a blood clot in her lungs. I'll never forget how she loved us so much and that smile. My son and I are all that's left of my perfect dream. Can anyone help me?
I don't know what I'm doing all I know is I have to keep my son safe. Any thoughts or related empathizes could help
I'm just really not trying to look through all our texts and pictures and remember all that i lost so sudden. KRB + DBW forever babedoll

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I am sad to hear this because I know that the number of such cases has increased now because of covids. I try to distract myself from this thought and switch my attention to online games - Maybe this is not the best option, but it really distracts from the negative. Panic is our biggest enemy at this time.

Bless you. I can not imagine how you feel! I am grieving the loss of my spouse as well, but he did not have his whole life ahead of him. Please, please hang on and know you can have a wonderful future. It seems impossible and unlikely now. My mom was a young widow with 3 small kids and she hit bottom for two years, but slowly came out of the pit and met and married my step father and they were very, very happy. Keep focused on the one who made you. God has seen and I believe he can bring beauty from the ashes. He did not cause your pain; the fallen evil world we live in is the cause. God loves you. I know that might be hard to hear after all you’ve experienced.
I am praying for you and your son. My mom said her kids forced her to choose life. Your wife would want you to choose life... to choose what is best for your son. Don’t hurry the grief. You will be in pain for a while, but it will ease eventually and you’ll realize she wants you to have a wonderful fulfilling life. My brother in law is a widower and after 3 years is dating and I am thrilled for him. I feel my baby sister is also happy from heaven for her sweet guy. He said he kept asking himself ... what would she want for him? He knows she always wanted nothing but the best.

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