
Help for today & Hope for tomorrow

Regina Diana Reed
  • Female
  • Fredericksburg, VA
  • United States
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  • Dee
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Regina Diana Reed's Discussions

the sudden loss of my only son

Started this discussion. Last reply by Judy Davidson May 29, 2016. 1 Reply

 Hello everyone. My name is Diane. I am looking for some helpful advice or words of wisdom,comfort. I really dont know. am so lost ,cant even express myself.In Jan of this year I my son went to be…Continue

how do I go on without my son?

Started May 27, 2016 0 Replies

 Hi, my name is Diane. I recently lost my son Ed in Jan of this year. He went so unenexpectly and quickly and quietly.I didnt get a chance to tell him good bye,or Ilove you one more time, My son and…Continue

Fining a way back to healing without my son herewith me.

Started this discussion. Last reply by Regina Diana Reed Apr 1, 2019. 15 Replies

 Hi everyone!my name is Diane,and this is my first time here. Dont exactly know how this works,but my life has been turned upside downsince my sons unexpecly passed away in jan of this year. He was…Continue


Regina Diana Reed's Page

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Rita liked Regina Diana Reed's blog post my sons birthday today
Mar 13, 2021
MommaStar liked Regina Diana Reed's blog post my sons birthday today
Nov 23, 2020
Lisa Tremblay and Regina Diana Reed are now friends
Apr 9, 2020
Profile IconRegina Diana Reed gave a gift to Lisa Tremblay
Apr 9, 2020
Regina Diana Reed left a comment for Lisa Tremblay
"Hi Lisa, Im gina. I m so saddened for the loss of your mother. I hope you can find some comfort here. Ive been coming here snce I lost my husband and my only child ,muy son Edward. I have found some comfort here ans  most people here know the…"
Apr 9, 2020
Profile IconRegina Diana Reed received a gift from Isabelle Workman
Mar 29, 2020
Profile IconRegina Diana Reed gave a gift to Isabelle Workman
Mar 29, 2020
Regina Diana Reed left a comment for Isabelle Workman
"hi Isabelle, I m truly saddened over the loss of your husband. I lost my husband in 2013 from a long battle of a terminal illness. and then lost my only child, my son in 2016 from a sudden major heart attack that was truly unexpected. Ive been…"
Mar 29, 2020
Colleen liked Regina Diana Reed's profile
Mar 29, 2020
Regina Diana Reed replied to Kimberly Dyess's discussion Anyone out there grieving at the moment>
"Hi Mary, I too feel the same way about my son. It has been 4 years and I still feel guilty that I didnt know he needed me ,andhe passed away alone. I ,as a mother should of known or felt his pain, or will leaving this world. the 27th of this month…"
Mar 25, 2020
Regina Diana Reed replied to Kimberly Dyess's discussion Anyone out there grieving at the moment>
"good morning Kim. I hope you find some peace and comfort here. It doesnt seem as active as it was. Ive been coming here since I lost my husband and my son. I have found others here who really understand the depth of emotins and emptiness I feel,and…"
Mar 16, 2020
Profile IconRegina Diana Reed gave a gift to Michael Quigley
Mar 14, 2020
Regina Diana Reed and Kimberly Smith are now friends
Feb 27, 2020
Regina Diana Reed and Wilbur are now friends
Feb 25, 2020
Profile IconRegina Diana Reed gave a gift to Wilbur
Feb 24, 2020
Profile IconRegina Diana Reed gave a gift to LG
Feb 24, 2020

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Please share the reason(s) why you joined this site?
I need help with coping with the loss of my son.I am having so much emptiedness inside thought this might help me some.

Regina Diana Reed's Blog

my sons birthday today

Posted on March 27, 2019 at 7:19pm 0 Comments

Hi everyone. I just wanted to share that todday was my sons bithday. Hes been gone for 3 years now, and I was dreading this day, but I made it through  okay, better than the last two years. I think it is because of all of you . You give me strenght and courage to face each day with grace . I thank you  for being my support system as I have no family left .  I love you all very much, and you seem like family. Ive reached out to many of you and you freely reached back to me. That says a lot…


3 yer anniversery of my son s passing.

Posted on March 11, 2019 at 7:58am 0 Comments

this has been 3 years since my only child, my son has passed away. on the 27th will be his birthday. I cant tell you how after 3 years Im still just as lost and empty inside as the day he passed. I have had many people tell me to write him a letter but cant seem to do it without  a thousands of tears flowing down my cheeks.I know one day we will be together once again, but sometimes I wish it was already here. :)I keep trying to hold onto my faith, and not look back, but it is so very hard.…


3 yer anniversery of my son s passing.

Posted on March 11, 2019 at 7:58am 0 Comments

this has been 3 years since my only child, my son has passed away. on the 27th will be his birthday. I cant tell you how after 3 years Im still just as lost and empty inside as the day he passed. I have had many people tell me to write him a letter but cant seem to do it without  a thousands of tears flowing down my cheeks.I know one day we will be together once again, but sometimes I wish it was already here. :)I keep trying to hold onto my faith, and not look back, but it is so very hard.…


3 yer anniversery of my son s passing.

Posted on January 23, 2019 at 5:12am 0 Comments

hello everyone. It will be 3 years on the 26th of jan that  the Lord took my son to paridise. I stillhave this daily battle within myself. some days are tolerable and them most are unbearable. I still struggle to find that light , which is his spirit.I think when your child is taken so unexpectly and so quickly, you dont have a moment to say I love you, or good bye. or Im so proud of you . You just walk around in this universe feeling guilty and that you werent a good enough mother,.I am…


Comment Wall (16 comments)

At 3:49pm on November 2, 2017, Scott said…
I am sorry for your loss. My son was killed by a hit and run driver in South Carolina on August 28 2017. His name was Aric. He was 22 yo. We (meaning family) live in Connecticut. I feel so sad
At 2:14pm on March 15, 2019, Senida said…
Hi there,
You reached out to me today or yesterday. Thank you. I am so sorry for your great loss, i cant imagine what you went thru initially and what you experience now. I recently lost my mother a month and 10 days ago. The pain has been so great as we were very close and spoke daily. She was my best friend, confidant and mom, also my biggest fan. Ive had such a hard time recently with deep non stop grief. I have no family on her side that i talk to anymore. All of her siblings are dead, she being the oldest. How did you get thru the great pain of losing a part of yourself you will never get back?
At 7:55pm on March 16, 2019, Lee Coleman said…

Hello. My name is Lee Coleman. I lost my wife just recently and you wrote back to me about your losses. I am so sorry. I cannot imagine. We never had kids. People say they understand your loss, but most do not. I wish I had positive words for you, but I cannot imagine. I lost my Nancy, we had no kids, I actually had to put down our last of the 2 beagles just a month after her death. Seems silly telling you this, dogs are not kids. Now sit in an empty house, slowing going insane. l cant imagine how you function. You said to write to you if I needed someone to talk to. You cannot carry all this burden on yourself. If you need someone to talk with, please let me know. I am here for you. 


At 4:41pm on March 20, 2019, Lee Coleman said…

I wish I could help you. I can’t imagine what you are going thru. I’d pray for you, but for now, me and God are not on speaking terms. Losing my wife is slowly turning me insane. An empty house, just me. I don’t think I would have made it if I lost both my spouse and child. As I said, we did not have children, just me and my wife, so I just can’t imagine it. If I could sit beside you, give you a hug, and be there for you I would. For me, every day is worse, not better. There are no good days, just days I don’t get as emotional as most. You are a wonderful person for the amount of people you have spoken with on this site. Not sure how you do it. To share your pain and hurt and to try to help others is wonderful, yet also must be so tough. I feel blessed to know you. As I go into another empty night, I will think of you. I feel your pain and sorrow but cannot imagine the intensity of it at this tough time. Please keep up with your empathy and compassion for others because I am going to need you in the coming days and the future. Thanks for being there for us, and understand I am there for you. Thanks Gina.

At 7:10pm on March 22, 2019, Lee Coleman said…


We have never met. We do not know each other than this site. My dear Nancy went into the  ER late this day, went into life support early the 23rd, passed the 24th. 2 months. I cannot image your loss, not only of your husband, but also your son. I sit in this house alone, going insane. I'm not sure I can do it. I have no family on my side. I speak with her mom every week, because that is what she did. Its a tough call for both of us. I sit tonight in tears. Cannot believe she is gone. I do not know how I go forward. How do you do it? 

Thank you for being there for me. I actually think about you during the work day. I wish we were neighbors, we could hug in tough times. Be good Regina. I will go through the next couple of days knowing I can always count on you, knowing what you are also going thru. I will need your support. Thank you Regina. 

At 3:07pm on March 24, 2019, Jerry Baird said…

thank you Gina it means a lot I'm looking forward to healing here.

At 2:09pm on March 25, 2019, Sylvia Freifeld said…

I received your email today Thank you!, My husband passed last week after a long battle with Cancer. I read what you went through and I can't imagine the loss of a child. Thank God I am now living with my Daughter & her husband. My children have been a blessing to me. They have taken care of everything! I could not have done it without them. Please remember I am here to help/talk to you. Take care

At 3:43pm on March 26, 2019, Lee Coleman said…

I do not understand this site. I cannot find some of our letters, cant find the email thread, and seems some of our letters are missing. My email address is Would it be ok if we emailed each other. I look back to read some of the wonderful things you said and cannot find them. They are in My page, your page, messages, etc. If you are not comfortable with this I totally understand. If mine and Nancy situation was different, I most likely would tell her to not send out her email address. But it is us. You said "If I get pesky, let me know". If you feel safer going thru the site, I totally understand. Its just some nights I like to read our corrospondence and I guess I am not smart enough to fiqure out how to get it on one page and just read. 

Be good. Either way, I will write you tonight and especially tomorrow.


At 7:21am on May 31, 2019, Dee said…

Hi Regina:  I received your message but I'm very new at this and not sure how it works the site I mean.  I hope I'm responding in the right area.  Thank you for your message.  Although my husband past just a month ago I want to meet people that are in my same situation so I don't feel so lonely.  I have a 5 year old daughter that I have to care for and even though we have friends and she has some friends those people don't seem to understand what it is like to lose your husband and I feel like I'm a burden to them or the 3rd wheel.  I have no choice but to arrange play dates and go out because of my daughter.  If it wasn't for her I would just stay home and rot I guess.  But I like and I enjoy seeing her play and have fun instead of crying over her daddy that use to do so much with and for her.  This is where I'm aching the most.  It would be nice to meet people in my situation and while the kids play I can also have a friend to talk to but his is still all very new and raw.  

At 7:44am on June 30, 2019, Jo2 said…

Good morning gina.  My daughter's name was Vicki and she was 40 when she passed away.  Her daughters are 8 and 10. You can call me Jo.  I added the 2 behind it just because there is a member from United Kingdom who is Jo.  I don't know if she ever posts.  I did it just in case.  My daughter was diagnosed with triple negative inflammatory breast cancer in Aug of 2013.  The triple negative is the incurable part.  There are no receptors to absorb any chemos or meds.  No estrogen or progesterone receptors an no Herceptin receptor.  The drs told her that from the start.  But you know how you just always hope.  In fact at one point, after a trial of Keytruda, her cancer developed a herceptiin (her2) receptor and she was told that now there was hope.  But it came too late.  That seemed to be the story right along.  Too little, too late.  Twice, she was given treatments for tumors in her brain and it was also in her lung.  She became paralyzed in her legs the Nov before she died.  That was due to the cancer cells forming a cluster inside of her spinal cord.  Most of them down in the lumbar area.  Just three weeks before she died she was told the neuro-oncologist could possibly shoot some medication into her spine to kill the cells in there.  Then all of a sudden, they said there is no more they can do.  She was being treated at that time at Northwestern in Chicago.  I have lost all faith in the medical oncology field.  That is pretty much the whole story.  Yes, you can send a friend request and you can share whatever you feel like sharing.  I do care.  Thank you for being willing to listen.  The worst thing for me is my anger.  And I don't even know where to direct it. 

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