
Help for today & Hope for tomorrow

Unusual anger with people and friends

Hey everyone. After reading many of your post's, many of which I could not get to the bottom since they were too depressing for me, my question feels rather trivial. I recently lost my sister (2nd april, 2013) and am 19 years old. I was wondering if anybody else was feeling extremely angry or disappointed with their friends? I am fully aware it is normal to feel angry so am being more lenient to combat it and I would describe myself as a very calm forgiving person. However I feel many of my closest friends who I expected the most from have been the least helpful, and even aside from acting concerned or asking how I am, which I understand can be difficult for others to bring up, a total lack of general interest in me from many of my friends. I'm getting to the point of finding almost everyone but my family annoying and loosing my faith in people. I don't want to loose my friends yet feel like I'm bottling up anger and when I try and tell them it goes unnoticed so either way it is a loosing battle.

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I lost my sister when I was fourteen, yes friends do not understand, death is something they have no life experience with and it makes them uncomfortable, so yes they act a fool. Now over the years I have come to understand this and forgave them, chalked it up to ummaturity. Yet when my husband of 32 years died and I experienced the same thing I truly did not understand. Grief is something most have no knowledge, they just don't know what to say, when all they have to do is listen. They just need to check on you often, and let you talk. Remember there is no one in the world who knows how you feel, because no had the same relationship that you had with your love one. My advice is forgive them for they know not what they do. Anger is normal, everything is normal and you will process your loss your own way. I do say if you feel your grief is causing your daily life issues, like unable to work, unable to go to school, any overwhelming sadness that does not feel like you can handle it, then seek professional advice. Otherwise I found this blog a good place for me.

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