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Guide to raising rabbits for meat
















A healthy "trio" or rabbits — two does and one buck — appropriate for meat production can produce up to 600 pounds of meat a year. Sought-after 'fryer" quality rabbit meats — rabbits that dress out at least 1.5 pounds and typically not more than 3.5 pounds — can be ready as quickly as eight weeks after birth. Cost to raise rabbits to butcher weight. The cost to raise a fryer up to 5 pounds will vary depending on feed prices but you should be able to do it for around $5.00. Rabbit Feed. (cost per 50# bag) Feed Cost. (per lb) Cost to Raise Fryer. (5 lbs) $15.49. Although rabbit meat is not as popular as pork and beef, it is becoming a delicacy in some parts of the world. Moreover, raising rabbits for meat in your home backyard is economical and easy. Rabbits reproduce very quickly so they are also a reliable source of protein. So, here is a guide if you want to start raising some in your home. What You'll Learn in this Guide: Choosing Meat Rabbit Breeds. not all rabbits are created equal. Some breeds are much larger than others. For beginners, I highly recommend raising New Zealand rabbits. They are adult, white rabbits that grow to be the size of a big kat . here ' s a list of the best rabbit breeds for kernel : Rabbits are one of the most sustainable, nutritious, and economic meat sources available. They can easily be raised in a variety of locations and climates, and they require less space and infrastructure than many other species of livestock. Raising Rabbits for Meat is the how-to guide to help you succeed in starting and running a home rabbitry for a steady source of meat or income.

There are several ways to treat ear mites. You can treat them with a 50/50 mix of camphor oil and bab or olive oil. Rub it into the rabbit's ears every 2-3 days until the ear mites go away. Change the bedding as ear mites can nest in the beddings. Avoid straw as straw can contain mites. Easy Butchering: When the time has come for you to butcher your rabbit you will be surprised of how clean process it is. In less then 20 mins the rabbit can be in your freezer. As you see there are lots of benefits as to why one would want to raise their own rabbits. Rabbits are one of the most sustainable, nutritious, and economic meat sources available. They can easily be raised in a variety of locations and climates, and they require less space and infrastructure than many other species of livestock. Raising Rabbits for Meat is the how-to guide to help you succeed in starting and running a home rabbitry for a steady source of meat or income.

In fact, feed accounts for about 75% of all production costs when raising rabbits for meat. additionally, rabbits love hay. Give them an ample supply of hay or alfalfa to supplement their nutrient-rich pellets. fortunately, hay and alfalfa are very cheap to purchase or grow on your own. This is based on how much meat your family eats. Say your family will eat 2 rabbits per week. So 2 rabbits times 4 weeks in a month times 12 months in a year means you will want to produce about 96 rabbits per year. So 96 rabbits divided by the average litter size of 8 equals 12 litters needed. Say your only able to get 4 litters per year from Once the decision to raise meat rabbits on the homestead has been made, the first step is to build a structure to house them: a rabbitry. The options for rabbitries can vary widely by the skills of the builder and the needs of the homestead. Rabbits


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