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Magnetic exchange coupling and spin crossover pdf

Magnetic exchange coupling and spin crossover pdf
















Exchange-coupling between soft- and hard-magnetic phases (see Multilayers: Interlayer Coupling) plays an important role in the engineering of novel functional magnetic nanostructures.There exist some micromagnetical models describing this behavior (see Magnets: Remanence-enhanced), however, due to methodological difficulties there exist nearly no direct measurements of the actual spin structure. 2], the first example of spin crossover in a synthetic iron(II) system [11]. 2 Occurrence of Spin Crossover The fundamental consideration of the occurrence of spin crossover in terms of ligand field theory, for iron(II) in particular, is given by Hauser in Chap. 2. The change in spin state exhibited by certain metal complexes un- Structural dependence of magnetic exchange coupling parameters in transition-metal complexes By Juan Peralta Coexistence of Intramolecular Ligand-Mediated and Through Hydrogen-Bond Magnetic Interactions in a Chain of Dicopper(II) Units 1.8.3 SCOand(i) Short-Range ExchangeCoupling or(ii) Long-Range Magnetic Order 38 1.8.4 SCOandLiquidCrystals 39 1.8.5 SCOandGels 39 1.8.6 SCOandNLO 39 1.9 Developments in Instrumental Methods in Spin-CrossoverMeasurements 40 1.10 ApplicationsofMolecularSpin-CrossoverCompounds 41 1.11 Summary 42 Acknowledgements 42 References 43 2 Experimental and theoretical magnetostructural studies on this kind of infrequent FeII dinuclear complex containing a centrosymmetrically [Fe2(μ-SCN)2] bridging fragment show that the magnitude and sign of the magnetic coupling parameter, JFeFe, depend to a large extent on the Fe−N−C (α) angle, so that JFeFe decreases linearly when α Additionally, the calculations reveal a strong spin-polarization of the density of states (DOS) and is validated experimentally using the spin sensitivity of spin-polarized STM. Finally, it is shown that the magnetic moment of the Fe-ion within HS Fe-phen is strongly magnetically coupled to the underlying magnetic Co through the NCS groups. The exchange coupling constant of a weakly coupled system can be obtained as J ST =[E BS −E HS]/S max 2, where S max is the maximum total spin and E HS and E BS are the total energies of the It exhibits incomplete spin crossover, because 21% of the high-spin FeII sites (S = 2) changes to low-spin FeII sites (S = 0) in the temperature range between 200 and 50 K. Thermal hysteresis is The recent progress on the photoswitchable magnetic coupling in spin-crossover complexes reported by both the authors' group and other groups are discussed and the role of magnetic coupling is highlighted in determining their magnetic properties. Photo-switched spin-crossover (SCO) complexes, especially iron(ii)-based ones, have been widely studied in the past few decades owing to their Exchange Coupling of Spin-Crossover Molecules to Ferromagnetic Co Islands Saber Gueddida,† Manuel Gruber,∗,†,‡,§ Toshio Miyamachi,‡,∥ Eric Beaurepaire,† Wulf Wulfhekel,‡,¶ and Mebarek Alouani† Institut de Physique et de Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg (IPCMS), Université de Strasbourg, CNRS UMR 7504, 23 rue du Loess, BP Optical control of the magnetic properties in topological insulator systems is an important step in applying these materials in ultrafast optoelectronic and spintronic schemes. In this work, we Magnetic exchange coupling of Co/Ir multilayers. The European Physical Journal B, 2008. Belal AlQassem. Downlo


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