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Nraas traveler tutorialsbya

Make sure the value of all of them are between 0 and 1 EXCEPT for kAlienHouseholdNumMembers (I don't know what this one means, I'm going to guess how many sims in a household is the max that will allow for the alien to visit?), which I'm guessing is a whole number between 0 and 8. If they are at 0, then give them a value between 0 and 1, depending on how frequently you want these things to happen.
















how do i get my nrass whooer to work? Find the file on your desktop and repeat either 7A or 7B with it and copy the Nraas_Woohooer.package file 12. Bring up the Packages folder window, right-click in a blank area and select "Paste". You should now have a NRaas_Woohooer these re my first mods and only. I got island paradise and it seems that all the lag comes from all of the homeless sims and stuck cars (i.e mostly boats). So I am a total neb when it comes to the installation of these mods. they are called master controller and overview it think. So my task for you guys is to tell me how to do it start to finsh.I have nothing downloaded for the mods and haven When I'm not playing one of the challenges/dynasties on this site, I use Twallan's/NRaas' Story Progression. Awesomemod's progression is fine, but it populates based on if a household has a double bed and a crib in the house, which pretty much lets a town die off without some major work. I'm back, and I also have an announcement. I had a lovely vacation and I was sorry to leave my family, but I'm home now. I still need some time to catch up on jet lag, work and other real life things, but I'm here in case anyone has questions or issues for me to look at. Is the Register mod worth using, from what I read it fixes some EA issues, but I couldn't find any real post on the mod, like, if people liked using it or its one of the necessary NRAAS. The one post I came across said Register mod cause some issue on their end, so they stopped using it. Now do you The Sims Tutorial: Moving Househol

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