
Help for today & Hope for tomorrow

I just lost my husband we where together 5 years and married for 2. He died getting his kidney removed it's been hard on all of us. We did his funeral and I really wish people would stop coming over stop asking if we need anything. We spent the last two years just us and certain family now all these people idk and my kids barely know keep trying to help and I just wanna be alone I wanna cry with my kids alone. I know it sounds crazy out loud but I just wanna help my kids get through this without all the people who started showing up when my husband passed. Can anyone relate or am I just angry at life?

Views: 26

Comment by Lexi on September 5, 2021 at 7:40pm
You are not crazy. I felt the same when my wife passed. I just wanted my time with my daughter. She was only 7 so she understood but didn't. She is now 10 and I think with her being around friends she is missing mommy Evie even more. Feel what you need. And politely tell people to give you your space


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