
Help for today & Hope for tomorrow

First Valentines Day Without My Husband

Happy Valentines Day in Heaven to my only true love, Rich Smith.  He was a one of a kind man.  He was kind, caring and had compassion for people less fortunate than himself.  He was a wonderful husband and father who always put his family first, even after he was diagnosed with lung cancer.  I left only one xmas lite display on the roof after xmas was over.  they were lights i made in the shape of a heart.  i connected the extension cord today again to light up that heart in honor of him.  the first song I heard when I got in my car today was the 4 Tops "ain't no woman like the one I got."  He used to sing that song all the time (he loved the oldies radio station) and I can't help but think he was sending me a message on valentines day.  I never thought in a million years I would be sitting here without him by my side.  20 years married and 3 boys together.  He was  my soul mate and both our lives were forever changed after we met over 22 yrs ago. Life isn't fair.  He was truly was one of the good ones.  Happy Valentines Day RDS... Love ScrapR

Views: 55

Comment by Judy Davidson on February 15, 2015 at 10:28pm

Hi Cris,

Thank you for sharing your beautiful and heartfelt Valentine tribute to your husband.  I'm sure your husband was sending you a message through the song you heard on the radio.  I had a few 'coincidences' like that too.  

I remember my first Valentine's Day after my husband died; I didn't see any Happy in it even though I had to pretend for my 5 year old son, which probably helped.  My sister in law sent me flowers with a note from my husband which completely freaked me out.  Bless her heart, she thought she was trying to be helpful ...

Your husband sounds like a great man; you were blessed with a great marriage and 3 sons.  Communication is key to grief recovery, so sharing your feelings is helpful.  I pray this site provides Help for Today & Hope for Tomorrow.

God bless,


Founding member  

Comment by melodie gill on February 16, 2015 at 4:36pm

Hi Cris.  Thank you for sharing.  The lighted heart is a beautiful tribute and I believe that song was sent to you by Rich.  Like you, this was also my first Valentine's Day without Thomas.  I know we spoke on Saturday, and I felt better afterwards.  I think we have similar feelings and it was good to share our stories.  This was a rough weekend for me and thank you for helping just a little bit.  


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