
Help for today & Hope for tomorrow

My dog is so needy and annoying since my husbands death. She tries so hard to comfort me and I won't be comforted. I sure don't want her licking my face which she constantly tries. My dog stood on top of my husbands dead body. I had to shove her away several times while the paramedics tried to bring him back. My dog never bothered me before and I do think it is sweet that she is trying to be there for me I just wish she would relax a little and get out of my face. I feel bad because I feel like I am always yelling at my dog to get away. Even as I sit here complaining about my dog I am grateful for her.

Views: 27

Comment by Judy Davidson on October 7, 2014 at 9:58pm


I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's death.  Mine died 10 years ago, so you have my sincere empathy.  Thank you for sharing your honest feelings about your dog.  It's OK to feel the way you do; your dog may be a reminder that your husband is gone.  And she is hurting and misses your husband too.  I'm glad she is there to comfort you.  You may not feel that way now, but in time I think you'll both be grateful for the companionship. 

COmmunicatin is key to recovery, so you're doing a great thing by sharing your thougts and feelings.  Feel free to reach out to other members directly or in the chat room.

I pray this site provides Help for Today & Hope for Tomorrow.

Thank you,


GHN Founding member  

Comment by dreammoon jo on October 8, 2014 at 1:56am

my cat gos on lk yore dog she wud lick me non stop wish wen she licks u it feals weid it dose now shes pesting my mum a lot shes demading us 2 fead her dry wiskers or iams off our hands she is

or if any thng on tv is grt 2 watch she pesters us or sists in front of tv she dose but i luv her so mush let get away wth it


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