
Help for today & Hope for tomorrow

hi all. i lost my darling husband peter 4 years ago in november.

it has been so hard the last 4 years, feeling emotionally numb, and the void inside. and the depression i suffer with too.

but just this week i have come out of it:)

something snapped inside me and i just didn;t want any more misery, so i went out and bought a huge amount of crafts materials, every kind of material and tool, even electric tools, you could possibly need or want.

i have got my best friend working with me, and we are spending 2 fulls days a week on making jewellery and gifts,from sheet metals such as copper and brass and bronze, also silver, and also wood and plastics. we both buy and sell on ebay, and it is great that she has been able to sell the things we have been making together, even tho it's mostly me who is the craftswoman.

last week she drove us both to 2 beaches about 109 miles from here, and we collected driftwood from one beach, and at the 2nd, we got shards which are pieces of broken pottery worn down by the sea, and also bits of sea glass. i am keeping my things i found, to use for my crafts, but my friend has already sold the bundle of driftwood she gathered on ebay, and also the shards and glass eh gathered, as they get bought by other crafts people who don't live near a beach.

i have also been offered a job by the social service, running a craft workshop for a mental health day centre:)

between us we have a great wee business going now, and it has given me back my interest in life, and i feel almost born again lol.

it hasn't changed my feelings nor my love for my late husband at all, infact i love him even more joyfully right now xxx and i just know he would have wanted me to do this, and that he will be proud of me.

i live for the day i am with him again when it is my turn to go and join him xxx

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Hi Elizabeth its great to hear your story its nice to know that you are making your recovery happen. As we all know if we dont take that step for wellness it wont come to us. Im sure your skills have made you beautiful crafts. Im happy you have the opportunity to feel life again, I also lost a special man in November of 2013 I fell into a deep depression but now Im recovering well and enjoying life more. I came here seeking help and was fortunate to find it. I will never forget Jeff he will always be in my heart but i could move forward with a happier heart knowing I could live again with his memory .

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