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I lost my 7 week old son on fathers day

I just lost my son 5 months ago on Father's Day. It was our first one as a family and then he was gone. I feel lost and don't know how to feel but sad and angry. They couldn't determine what caused him to pass so now I have no answers. I'd love to talk to someone, I need help

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I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my baby boy 4 years ago and still struggle immensely with it. I never got any answers either and it definitely makes it hard to find any peace. I'll listen if you want to talk.
I just miss him so much. I'm so scared to have another to have my heart break all over again. He dies in his car seat. Just fell a sleep and never woke up. I don't know how long he was like that and I feel so guilty that I was not with him. I should have been with him.
It hurts so much. I was also scared to have another baby but my arms ached to hold my baby so bad. I finally decided to have another 8 months later. I was terrified while she was an infant all the time but it was worth it. I bought one of those sensors to put underneath the mattress in the bassinet. It would sense her breathing and movements and an alarm would sound if it wasn't sensed for a little bit. That gave me some peace of mind. She is now a healthy three year old.

During all the research I did after my son passed away, I found out that it's normal to feel guilt after you lose a child. I have definitely felt that way. I feel like I failed him too. I have to keep reminding myself to think of the good times and to not just focus on his death. It's hard though. I know it hurts and I'm sorry your having to go through this.

We may never have answers as to why the Lord does what he does the only answer I stick to is that He had a date and time as painful as our loss may be.  I too lost my 15 year old son in a car accident in which he was racing other teens.   I thought he would be tough enough to hang in there and pull through but the Lord chose to take him.  One of my other sons has Schizophrenia I wanted answers about that because he showed no signs of mental illness graduated High School and everything.  We are all grieving the loss of my son.  We will go through all of those emotions sad mad angry.  I am at the stage of being on antidepressants because those things that we consider to be easy to do were becoming overwhelming to me and I was withdrawing somehow being away from everyone helped.  Life continues and we continue in it with sadness uncertainties of what may take place in our future.  If this was your first born you may fear if it was your third which was the case for me then you fear for the life of your other two.  We will always have fears we need to overcome.  Pray that the Lord guide you and lead you as to what you are to do next. I know that He is brining us healing one day at a time just being here and sharing with others our loss helps in some ways.  We can say that we have experienced this first hand. 

hi i am so sorry to hear that i lost my son when he was 7 months old to bcell all a type of lukemia so at least i had some answers i cant immagine not noing nothing makes it easier at least not for me you aloud to feel anyway you want to

i am so sorry for your loss it was not your fault


I feel exactly the same way and I am here to help. I lost my angel, my first angel and don't know were to go. Its a pain that cannot be explain. A pain that hits you out of nowhere that the only thing you can do is cry. Everyone tell me there is a reason, for everything, but what reason can they be .. I am here if you need to vent or talk.

I wish there were magical words to make your pain go away, what I can do is listen any time day or night
Sweetie I know How you feel. It's been 3 1/2 years for me.
I lost my daughter at two weeks old an i know how all you guys feel. I'm here if you wanna talk...Dee Hugs

i lost my son on march 24 , 2015 he was only two months and 4 days old the pain is unbearable and im lost . so  i know how you are feeling

Aww i know how u feel lost one in 2009 i was 22 wks pregnant and lost my daughter 13th jan this year :(

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