
Help for today & Hope for tomorrow

So I've been trying to get back to doing things I did before my mom passed. Trying to look forward. I pray alot and read my bible. I started writing in a journal and leaning on my best friend Jen. I'm trying to except that my dad was married 31 years and he used to having someone so it normal for him to be talking to another women. They only thing I'm having trouble with is everyone after me now that I need a plan and to figure my life out. I'm just trying to take it one day at a time but others want me to figure my stuff out.

Views: 43

Comment by Judy Davidson on February 5, 2015 at 7:04pm

HI Jess,

Thank you for the update on how you are doing.  It sounds like you're doing everything possible to deal with the grief and heal from the pain.  One day at a time is the best plan for now, so tell everyone else to BACK OFF!  You're doing a great job at taking positive steps and moving forward ... keep it up.  You're an inspiration to others :)

Big Hug,


Comment by Tori Abby on December 4, 2016 at 2:52pm
Hi Jess, I lost my mother, my best friend in a car accident on June 12, 2013. I have been through every emotion in the grief pyramid. When I feel its getting better a holiday, a birthday or Mothers Day comes and so do the tears and feelings of lonliness. My dad was married to my mother for over 30 years. After she died he started dating a month after. It's been really emotional.


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