
Help for today & Hope for tomorrow

Hi everyone.  I just joined this site.  I lost my Mom last month and I am still a total mess.  We lived together and shared just about everything in our lives.  She was my best friend and companion.  We were planning a trip this week while I'm on Spring Break (I'm an elementary school teacher) and her suitcase is still packed.  I can not face even one more day without her here.  How do I face the rest of my life??  The pain is unbearable. I feel completely and utterly alone.  I can't return to work because I can't concentrate and I'm not sleeping at all.  I keep hoping to hear her banging around this old house.  How do I take even one step forward??

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Lulu:  I just wanted you to know that what you said about Mother's Day being a man-made tradition has helped me a lot.  I think if I treat it like any other Sunday then maybe I can get through it.  Your comment has given me hope that it is possible.  Thanks, Ruth

Lulu said:

Hi Ruth!

I been crying heavily for the past few days. Missing him so much! Needing to hear his voice. Today was no different I woke up knowing I would be with family and their partners their happy lives and laughter. All though I'm grateful they are happy and healthy and living life as they should be. I cant help but wonder why I wasn't given the same gift. I tried to put a strong face but my insides were burning with pain. I mostly kept  the company of my little nieces, at this point they are the only one that could fill my heart with warmth.

I knew it was going to be a hard journey. But I also know life will get better for all of us if we have faith. Mothers day will no doubt be hard day for you. But remember its a man made tradition. The love for your mother is everyday and she left in peace because you loved her.

That's great to hear that i was able to give a bit of hope. That puts a smile on my face and that alone is a huge plus these days :)

I lost my mom on her 75th birthday in March. Easter was extremely difficult. Mom always had a huge Easter party out here at the house for all the relatives, neighborhood kids and kids from church. Mothers day is Sunday and I really am dreading it. Strangely

i find myself worrying about dad the most. They have been together since junior high. I miss her so much, I wake up all the time thinking of her with one of the 10,000. questions I usually have for her daily. Mom was always the person I went to about everything, good, bad, funny, advise, guidance. Just driving home from hospital to tell the family I was thinking I should call mom she would know how to handle this.

22 Years ago I had my youngest, he was born with severe heart problems and we were told he probably wouldn't live. I was a wreck a complete basket case. I asked mom who at the time had lost 3 of her children, how did you do this, how did you get up in the morning and face this. She said baby the rest of you needed to eat and needed clean clothes. She said the world keeps turning and we can't hop off til God is done with us. On the way home I had that same conversation with myself to hopefully gather up the courage to tell the rest of my family what had happened. Each day I wake up and hurt and hope it was all a bad dream that I had had.   

Shirlee:  I will keep you in my thoughts.  Every day is hard, but Sunday will be horrible.  I will tell you one thing that someone on this site told me and I am finding comfort in it:  Mother's Day is a man-made tradition and it has nothing to do with your love for your mother.  It is just another day.  I hope that thought helps you.  We will survive it.  It's every day after that has me worried.  Ruth

shirlee vader said:

I lost my mom on her 75th birthday in March. Easter was extremely difficult. Mom always had a huge Easter party out here at the house for all the relatives, neighborhood kids and kids from church. Mothers day is Sunday and I really am dreading it. Strangely

i find myself worrying about dad the most. They have been together since junior high. I miss her so much, I wake up all the time thinking of her with one of the 10,000. questions I usually have for her daily. Mom was always the person I went to about everything, good, bad, funny, advise, guidance. Just driving home from hospital to tell the family I was thinking I should call mom she would know how to handle this.

22 Years ago I had my youngest, he was born with severe heart problems and we were told he probably wouldn't live. I was a wreck a complete basket case. I asked mom who at the time had lost 3 of her children, how did you do this, how did you get up in the morning and face this. She said baby the rest of you needed to eat and needed clean clothes. She said the world keeps turning and we can't hop off til God is done with us. On the way home I had that same conversation with myself to hopefully gather up the courage to tell the rest of my family what had happened. Each day I wake up and hurt and hope it was all a bad dream that I had had.   

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