
Help for today & Hope for tomorrow

My mom passed away 3/20/14 she was my best friend my everything and know I don't know what I am gonna do with her I suffered from severe anxiety and other things before this happened now u can only imagine what's going on now I just want any advise on how to get thru I'm always sad and down

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Moms are special. There are no words to share to make the pain go away. We are only hopeful that time heal the pain. I hope you could find comfort here the group is always ready to lend an ear.

Thank u so much I hope so

I am so sorry for your loss,my mother passed away on 2/14 and it has been just terrible going,grief is not easy,i found that prayer helped a lot,also doing all kinds of movements(running,walking,exercising,etc),there are no easy answers but getting help through those who are also going through a terrible time also helps,i offer you my best wishes and hope you can get through this time,our lives will never be the same,but we can go on,its what our moms want for us,they would always want us to be happy,so hold on to that,remember the love that was offered back to you from her,that never will leave you and try when pain is really terrible,to offer it in love to her,they are still our moms and somewhere,somehow they still care for us,this I believe,please take care of yourself

I lost my mom on November 24th to alcohol and it's been the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with. I just joined this site to find some help and someone to share and talk my pain with.
I lost my mom 2weeks ago I can't believe my mom is gone I was in shock at first and now I am starting to really feel her being gone my hurt is unbearable

so sorry 

I lost my mom 4 years ago and the pain still overwhelmed me. Talking about her helps though. I need help tonight too

I lost my mom about 4 years ago. She was my only parent, I lost my dad when I was about a year old. My mom was my friend, my rock, my go to friend when nothing else made sense. I still feel lost without her. May 1st is still a hard day to get by, that was her birthday. I often think about the upcoming holidays once again and it still seems pointless to me without her here. Even though I'm miles away we would always make sure phone calls were made and now there's not even that.

Still new to this group and forum but the few people I have met seem really nice and this seems like a great group to be around. They say time heals all wounds, I'll share my own belief about that, I think time can heal some wounds. Losing someone like your mother or father, a sister or brother who you've had a strong relationship with, I don't think it ever really heals. There is always the little things that make us think about that person, birthdays, holidays.. things of that sort.

Knowing there are friends and people you can turn to when things seem to really get hard to sort through is a big help. I think, in my humble opinion, you're surrounded here by some very great people who can understand the hurt and confusion that you feel. From there we just try and continue putting one foot in front of the other but never forget there is a solid rock for you to lean on and people that share and are willing to listen and talk to you. Just remember Nene, you aren't alone.


I wish I had a magical answer, or even comforting words. I lost my mom 9/23/2011 and have been grieving hard ever since. It's like being a lost child even though I'm 31. I recently found a local hospice organization that offers free one-on-one grief counseling, and I go every two weeks. It is helpful to get the feelings and thoughts out there, cry it out, and try to live life among the living again. Many hospitals, hospice organizations, and even colleges offer free or low cost groups and counseling for those grieving a loss, so maybe take a look at your community's resources. Getting through is not easy, but your mom would want you to live a life of happiness and fulfillment so remember that above all else, and that she's never far away - she'll always be in your heart, in your memories, and a part of your very spirit. May God bless you, I'll say a prayer for you.

I'm so incredibly sad, desolate, lonely. Let me see if I can think of any other adjectives lol

It's just this person who meant more to me than anyone in my ENTIRE life (except my baby girl) is gone. I understand the circle of life - all hail "Lion King" - but the idea that she's no longer out there, at least in my physical world, in my life, to share and confide in... My mother was not there for me as a child but this beautiful caring woman was. She finally lost her long painful battle with leukemia. My heart is broken. She was the mother I never had.

Hi JC, It's very hard losing a parent or someone close to you who played the role of a parent or guardian. I lost my mom 4 years ago as I mentioned and it's still hard. I grew up with her being my only parent and now I feel.. what's a word.. alone. I have 3 other sisters I don't care to talk to and haven't talked to about the loss of my mom for personal reasons.

Just remember, you're not alone and you are amongst people here who care and understand your hurt. If you need or want someone to talk to, feel free to bend my ear. My thoughts go out to you.

JC said:

I'm so incredibly sad, desolate, lonely. Let me see if I can think of any other adjectives lol

It's just this person who meant more to me than anyone in my ENTIRE life (except my baby girl) is gone. I understand the circle of life - all hail "Lion King" - but the idea that she's no longer out there, at least in my physical world, in my life, to share and confide in... My mother was not there for me as a child but this beautiful caring woman was. She finally lost her long painful battle with leukemia. My heart is broken. She was the mother I never had.
I lost my mother 10 months ago. I'm only 22 and my mom was 46. She died very slowly from a terminal illness. I'm basically all alone. The rest of my family has pretty much moved on and forgot about me. They tell me I need to get over it, but it feels like it just happened. Does this ever get any easier?

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